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  virtual ie photorealistic v model reality, then 'photo`ise it' ?  
From: stephen parkinson
Date: 20 Mar 2004 04:18:24
Message: <405c0c60@news.povray.org>
i'm having problems, i keep looking at items and thinking how do i do 
that in povray.

where i go outside for smoking at work, there's the wall of building, at 
the base, its got a 18" wide strip of mixed pebbles/ chalk gravel, size 
various upto say 1.5". and then a standard road kerb type edging.

surface under gravel is not smooth, thickness of gravel varies
bits of soil are visible, bits of moss etc

would someone have ideas about how to proceed?

the documentation & tutorial do a fair job of command description, but 
to me at least, its rather vague on the technique and combining for what 
i think of something fairly basic.

underlaying soil - try using ..
multilayer texture ? pattern_map??

textures patterns, and all sorts of map commands/modifiers
generating individual gravel bits on to that, how, seems overly 
complicated or is it just an overall appearance that we are after

rather confused

you really dont want to see my attempts at modelling a re-arrangement of
the sitting room, i think i had ideas of an animated camera look around,
they've have now been scaled to crawling before attempting flight.

anyhelp / pointers to some techniques / tips / howto to do simple items/ 
tutorials with a different perspective would be much appreciated.


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